Partner with Chaos
Chaos is the multi award-winning physics society at the University of Bristol, recognised as the Best Society in the UK in the 2019 and the Best Academic Society in 2018. We offer our members a plethora of events ranging from exciting socials such as laser tag, bar crawls and treasure hunts to more academically focused talks and trips. A large part of our success stems from continued support from our partners, and this is something we would love for your organisation to become a part of!
Whether you’re interested in running an event or looking to begin a longer collaboration, we’re always happy to hear from potential partners. Don’t hesitate to get in touch!
View our sponsorship brochure here, or scroll down for an at-a-glance view of our general packages.
As a society, we are keen to expand on our existing careers programme to encourage and support our members and the wider student body as they look to their futures. With your help, we can light the spark that inspires their postgraduate pursuits.
Careers Talks
Careers talks are a brilliant way to engage with our members and provide an excellent opportunity to showcase your company's fantastic work. Alongside discussions on research, they offer the opportunity to discuss career prospects with engaged attendees.
Facility Trips
Trips offer up an excellent opportunity for hands-on experience of all your company has to offer. With past trips visiting Airbus, EDF and STFC facilities, they are a hugely popular way to engage with our members.
If you have any new ideas for engaging with students, we are more than happy to discuss them!
Our PArtners
Gold Tier
Provided funding for selected Chaos members to attend the Conference of Physics and Astronomy Students, as well as supporting other social events and society ventures.
We are delighted to once again be partnering with the IoP for the 2023/24 academic year!
Provided private LinkedIn group for careers and internships, as well as running events and giving careers advice.
Supported the society in buying our telescope, CCD, and related equipment.
We previously partnered with Sanctuary Graduates, a leading graduate recruitment company with a large network of top employers. This partnership provided members with a wide range of exciting graduate jobs, placements and internship opportunities.